I have a busy day ahead of me of Real Job deadlines (darn that pesky Real World interfering with my blogging!), but I didn't want to leave you folks without any goodies today, so here I present to you a few funny odds-and-ends I've stumbled across in my daily travels.
And yes, this is part of the reason I've been taking my camera with me everywhere!
The sign below was in front of The Exterminator ride here in Pittsburgh's Kennywood Park...
Aw, poor Mr. Sad Smiley Face on the right. If he'd only heeded the warning, his friends wouldn't have changed his nickname from 'The Slickster" to "Stumpy."
Then this product packaging below also got me laughing last week. Okay, this was my bag of Tropical Trail Mix... Nothing particularly funny about that, right?...

Well, did you know that Energy Club Tropical Trail Mix comes in a closeable EZ Seal Bag? Oh, indeed, it does! The bag touts it as a feature on the front, and then on the back there's this three-step set of instructions...

To reseal bag:
1.) Peel off tape
2.) Roll bag down
3.) Apply tape.
My gosh, they must have had TEAMS of product designers working 20 hour shifts just to devise this clever EZ Seal technology. I mean, someone has to come up with things like the shape of the Pringle, the precise shade of blue Kool-Aid and now... this... the brilliance behind the EZ Seal piece of tape!
I almost couldn't eat my trail mix, my stomach was just doing flip-flops with excitement.
Of course, I had trouble finding the tape to which they referred. And after moments of noodling around with this bag, my friend Kitty enlightened me to the fact that the EZ Seal instruction box IS the tape...
So, perhaps I was a little quick to mock regarding the cleverness factor here!
Lastly today, I know many of you folks normally have no real reason to visit my thrifting blog-- but I kinda think you might for one particular post...
I'd uncovered a 1970s Better Homes and Gardens book about cheap but elegant decorating for the home-- if "elegance" includes things like making hundreds of tin can owls, a tree wall mural crafted from furry shag carpeting remnants, armoires that appear to be under the influence, and a whole lot more.
I'd got to thinking, "What if all these items of questionable taste were found in the home of one mad, craft-obsessed housewife?" I call her Marge. And then, well, it all sort of snowballed from there.
And as always, thanks for stopping my, my friends!
Vote for this post at Humor-blogs. Just remember to keep your hands and legs inside the car at all times. Any extraneous body parts will not be returned.
Be sure to properly seal your dried fruit or it will, ummm, what would happen to it?
DaOldMan- Be overtaken by gravity and mix all over the trail, is all I can figure.
I dunno, that smiley on the left is looking pretty smug ;)
I thought of you the other day while leaving a gas station. See there was this woman next to us in her car smoking (not all that interesting) but then as we back up I see a sign on her back window for No Smoking in the Car! I then noticed that she was hanging out the car window. I just knew you'd appreciate a pic of htat but well you know me and posting pics. ;)
Drowsey-- He really does, doesn't he? It's like he'd always known his friend would come to the same sticky end as the Black Knight in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."
Chyna- A sign in HER OWN back window that said "No Smoking"? HAHAHA, that's so bizarre! Oh, yes, I would totally have taken a picture of that...
Also of the woman's fist coming toward my camera lens. :)
That always seems like a rip-off solution to the EZ Seal thing...I mean, aren't you lead to believe it'll be a ziplock kind of closure?
Easier to use a chip clip, really. : )
Greg- Yes, see, that's the sort of thing I was expecting! And yet NO Ziploc. I guess the idea is that you're outdoors hiking, you open your bag of trail mix, and how do you close it?
But still. Instructions on using TAPE... (shakes head).
I agree with Greg about the EZ Seal thingy. It's a sucky sealer and they act all high and mighty and call it an EZ seal!
MomJeansBlogger- I think you both have a very valid point-- this is precisely why it made me laugh so hard.
I don't care if they call it an EZ Seal or the Wonder Tie-- it is tape. It is TAPE on a BAG.
And for all the instructions, you'd think they could at least mention that the INSTRUCTIONS IS the TAPE.
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