It's been a stressful few weeks for me, work-wise, and I needed a short break from writing, so I thought I would treat myself to a new sketchbook, some markers and colored pencils and just draw whatever I felt like. I started out with a few whimsical Alice in Wonderland doodles...
I may roughly fill-in the background on the one below-- I'm not sure yet. Still getting the feel for all the stuff the colored pencils can do and the best way to manipulate them...
Then a friend who's also a reader of mine triggered me drawing a carnivorous daisy from the planet Altair, based on my There Goes the Galaxy books...
She had this idea that there were two different species of daisies, one who ate its prey a bit at a time and one that slurped up people whole, bud-closed. Anyway, it was too weird to not try to draw...
I also wanted to try to draw my character Fess, who you may note is basically a squid-oid. The little pink and purple creature next to him is a snoogle, one of the Greater Communicating Universe's cutest and most popular pets...
And then there's my character, Rollie, who I'm still working on. He's been fun to do. The challenge here was that he wears all black (he claims "it hides blood so nice"), so coloring him in meant I would lose all the detail on his clothes, if I didn't do it right. Fortunately, a touch of grey, a little brown, and a white colored pencil did the trick on that...
Still work to do on the furniture, etc., but that will come in the next few days.
Anyway, that's what I've been up to. Hope you are all doing well as we begin our journey into May-- and finally, REAL SPRING. --Jenn