Writing Project Update and Book Newsletter

Hiya, folks! Long time no write, I know! And why? I have been diligently working on my current book, a humorous fantasy called The Curious Case of Mary Ann!

While it's intended for adults, it's based on Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, set in a version of those lands. It follows the White Rabbit's housemaid Mary Ann, who fans of the original Wonderland might recall was mysteriously absent from the home when Alice showed up.

In my novel, Mary Ann is caught up in her own trials and tribulations, including trying to solve a series of murders, hunting a Jabberwock, performing backwards chores, and rescuing a Knight from his lost sense of humor.

You won't have to have read either Alice in Wonderland or Through the Looking Glass to enjoy the book-- I'm working hard to make it understandable for everybody-- but I think folks who are fans of the stories, as I am, will have mad fun with it. And people who enjoyed my There Goes the Galaxy series should feel at home here rather quickly.

I'm about 35,000 words into the first draft, which translates to being between a third and halfway through.

That said, I am building a email list for anyone who would like to be notified about book releases and other news. Don't worry-- I would not email very often. I've just found that social media, like Facebook and Twitter, is a little spotty and doesn't reach all the of the people who sign up to see my posts. So if you would like to sign up, just fill out the form below and follow the easy instructions.

I hope all is well with you guys! Thanks so much for stopping by! --Jenn

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