Everybody Sing!

It's been a rough couple of weeks, because I learned my Dad has developed cancer, and it's spread to other organs. I've been trying to get him moved to my city, as well as arrange for care, all while trying to balance my job, which keeps me in Cheez-Its and eyeliner.

That's the distinctly non-funny part.

But, I like to think that when life hands you cabbages, you might as well make cole slaw. Not that I actually eat cole slaw due to my acute mayonnaise-a-phobia. But you get the drift.

So while I assure you I will find my funny for you with next week's post-- I mean, I'll be traveling, so there will have to be humor fodder in there somewhere-- in the meantime, I give you an apt little musical number from our friend Eric Idle.

Don't be afraid to sing along there at your desk!... If you're at work, your coworkers will love it. If you're at home, your kids will moan, "Awww, Mom/Dad!" and you'll totally embarrass them, thus doing your job as a parent.


Jaffer said...

I am so sorry to hear that Jen.
I am quite saddened since I've come to know so much about the man through your blogging.

All the best and hope his transition to the Pitts will be a smooth one.

JD at I Do Things said...

I'm so sorry, Jenn. I hope you're able to get him moved and find him good care fairly easily. It's stressful enough dealing with a parent who is ill, never mind having to work out all the details like you're doing.

I know you'll find your funny (it never goes away -- it's just hiding out) and things will look brighter for you.

Best wishes for your dad.

ReformingGeek said...

I'm sorry about your dad. Please keep us updated.

Good Luck with the travels and the people-watching!

Suzanne said...

Jen, damn. I wish I could tell you everything is sunshine and lollipops 24/7. But unfortunatly we have to deal with reality once in a while and I feel for you. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. And hope that you can keep your funny active, it's always there just hard to reach at times. God Bless!

Unknown said...

Thanks, everyone. Yeah, I knew in advance it's not all sunshine and lollipops-- which is actually really helpful in this situation.

I've seen people suffer much more when they think bad things SHOULDN'T happen to them, as if being a decent person makes you exempt...

I'm too sarcastic for that. :)

Deray said...

I'm sorry to hear that your Dad is not OK. I hope he gets better and that you have the strength to get him through it {{hugs}]

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

Oh, gosh, that's terrible news. I'm so sorry, Jenn.

Unknown said...

Deray- Thanks muchly! I'm hanging in there. It's some adjustment but I'm taking it day-by-day.

Mike- Thank you, and I appreciate your note. :)

Ian C - My Twist News said...

I wonder if Eric Idle knew the power of that song when he wrote it. It encapsulates the typical Python gesture of waving 2 fingers at the establishment, with the establishment this time being the cycle of life.

I trust that everyone can stay strong during these challenging times for you and your father.