I've been getting this one lately:
Hi everybody. i would just like to make an introduction to everyone at www.cabbagesnkings.net Your forum is good! Generally when I visit forums I just come across crap, but this time I was really surprised, finding great information. Keep this fantastic effort up?? Visit CYOOT-HANDMADE-FINGERPUPPETS4KIDS.SPAM!
Ah, so kind, so detailed, so good for the self-esteem... If, y'know, this was real, a forum, or I'd planned to share vital finger puppet resources with my online buds.
I hadn't realized the finger puppet market was such that, like certain prescription meds of a personal nature, there were advantages to seeking them out through quiet, blackmarket spam puppeteering channels.
The nervous single man living in Mom's basement, pulling some strings to get rare illicit marionettes...
The schoolmarm with a rep to uphold, sticking her hand in underworld dealings for a knockoff Kermit.
Of course, "fingerpuppets" is probably a metaphor for something else far less yarn-and-felt based. I didn't click the link to find out.
Knowing the truth, you see, would ruin the images I've been enjoying of a secret underground Fight Club-styled Muppet Show, where you only get in if you pay a few under-the-table bucks to Scooter.
"What happens in Muppet Show, stays in Muppet Show. Now... Time to put on make-up and dress up right."
But I digress.
Because of the plug-and-play nature of the spam lately, I've been wondering whether these newfangled spammers don't have some sort of Random Delusional Compliment Generator for their comments.
Sort of a Mad Libs version for spam. They could input the top hundred or so insincere compliments and commentary into their database...
Keep it up!
Great forum!
I learned a lot.
Lots of good information here!
I love it here. I disagree with everything you said in this post.
(Some mixed messaging with that last guy. He's a wild card.)
I am a new first-time reader and am happy to meet everyone.
I have read all of your posts for a while now and will be back often.
And then they put it all together at will-- a mix-and-match for rich and exciting new spamitization in endless variety!
Oh, I know it wouldn't improve the quality of spam we receive...
Lots of good information here I disagree with. Hi everyone, i am a new first-time reader and have read all of your posts for a while now and buy fingerpuppets hot blondes hot blond fingerpuppets. Great forum keep it up www.misspiggygoeshogwild.spam
But hey, if I have to take the time to Not-Approve it, at the very least, it should be entertaining.
(Pssst, Scooter, here's that $20 I owe you. This week's secret password is "mnah-mnah")