Hiya, Folks! In the spirit of thanks and giving and also because it made me laugh to think about it, Of Cabbages and Kings is running its first ever caption contest. When the Gods of Funny Photos align themselves in one's favor like with the photo above from my travels yesterday, one does not question-- one shops for TWO tacky Florida souvenirs to be awarded to the two best captions.
That's right, between now and midnight Monday, just post your funny captions for the photo above and the Cabbages team of expert judges (myself and the Jane Austen bobblehead on my desk-- and no, she's not as picky as you might think) will choose two winners, each of whom will receive a tacky Florida souvenir of my choice.
Here is the full pic, just so you can get the entire effect.

I will announce the lucky winners along with Wednesday's post. Cheers!!
Some where over the rainbow I will find my toto...
Row faster woman! We've got a shark off starboard!
"Go back, Mommy, go back! There's a hot, hunky chiuaua back there. Maybe he has tacos for us."
I want to get on one of those boards one of these days.
Probably too 'British' but....
"I see no ships!"
Production cuts to the Baywatch budget were beginning to bite hard.
"Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream..."
Fluffy refused to dog paddle.
These are great folks! Keep 'em coming, and thanks for playing along!
You're going to make the decision process of Jane and I very, very difficult!!
I see your jeans ! Floating ! Over there !
"Please don't make me look! This is a much better view!"
"Paddle faster! All they will see is a blur! Blur dog. Yeahhh."
You guys are crazy-- I love it! I may have to draft some extra judges.
Hey there, would you happen to have a couple of extra life jackets? None that will fit a dog? Why oh why did I agree to get on this?
New Orleans Tour Guide post Katrina
"......bet he wishes he'd signed the divorce papers now!"
Yes, Jenn, there is a dark side to me! :)
I'm just shaking my head-- you people are sick! (And I love it.) :)
Remember, deadline's midnight tonight, when the surfing poodle turns into a pumpkin... or something like that.
Becky readies herself to spear the endangered dolphin that stole her pants as Fluffy plays lookout.
Maybe we can finally find our way home! They say that poodles only point for two reasons--one is that they have discovered true north and thus point in that direction. I forgot the other reason, but I seem to remember it has something to do with drowning.
Now, don't forget, Fifi ... let me know when that damn shark comes back and I'll smack him one!
Some dogs are picky about where they'll do their 'business'... but Fluffy took it just a little too far.
This was the last time Sarah was going to leave Fifi alone with the compass....
Excellent, folks! Thanks so much to everybody who responded.
I will be posting the winners tomorrow (Wednesday, December 3) after our panel of expert judges (the friends I've blackmailed into helping me, plus my official Blog Bobblehead) do their serious analysis and make their choices.
What great captions. You have a tough job ahead of you. Awesome picture, too.
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