They grow up so fast, don't they? One minute, they're just a little green sprout of a blog idea, full of possibility. And the next thing you know it, they're a full-fledged cabbage with a monarchy of their own.
Yep, Old King Cole Slaw and the land of Cabbages turns one year old today!
I'd like thank each of you good folks for your kind support, for visiting, for commenting, for making me laugh (you have no idea how much I appreciate that)-- and for going along with so much weirdness three times a week, I almost have the illusion I'm fit for sane society.
My therapist will say that's progress, I think. Y'know, once I let him out of the sub-basement.
And what did Old King Cole Slaw get for his bloggiversary you ask?
A new template re-design! Yup, the nifty new template you see today, done by DesignBug, is wider and more streamlined. It also has new navigation at the top of the page, so you can check out the latest News and Cabbages Favorites from the archives, as well as subscribe to posts or comments. I hope you like it!
I have to say, that while the last year of Cabbages has just flown by, this morning was not perhaps quite the way I'd wanted to start the new one.
I've had some intriguing plague for the past five days, which has helped me demonstrate cool physics concepts like how much sneeze power (force) is required to launch an aerodynamic menthol lozenge 50 feet...
And whether nasal congestion can be used as an inexpensive window caulking. (Possibly, but it will require more testing.)
Of course, not to be deterred from going to work, and taking care of the cycle of crisis inevitably waiting for me there, I piled in my car this morning, anyway. In spite of sickness, and high winds, and darkness. I am stupid that way.
And that is when my car started making the kind of clatter and roar that even my plugged-up ears could hear. Yep, as only as can happen when you're sick and old man March wants to tweak you just that much more, I had...
A flat tire.
Now, I know how to change a tire. But the thing is, I knew how to use the jack on my old car.
And this new jack seems to have been put together by the same people who create flatpack sawboard furniture in the Far East. Little buttons press in, but levers do not lift. There is this adorable little yellow tool that appears just ready and designed to remove something, which doesn't seem to be for the tire nuts and bolts. It's very cute, like Pikachu, but not as functional.
I spent a half hour in the dark and mist and wind this morning trying to figure this out. And either my brain failed me, or the instructions did.
So in addition to thanking all you guys, this year, for visiting-- I would also like to thank the guys at the extraordinarily well-placed automotive garage two blocks from where my car died. I drove around the corner, tire a-flopping, to unexpectedly spy their shining golden lights this morning, like a beacon of hope for a healthier Goodyear...
We plaguey folks get unnecessarily emotional sometimes.
So please-- help yourself to a nice big slice of bloggiversary cake. There are virtual chips and dip, and hot-wings and libations and all sorts of goodies. Turn on the tunes, pop that lampshade on the head, and let 'er roll!
Me, I'm going to have a nice cup of tea and some cough drops and nod off here in the corner for a while...
No, don't worry-- you won't bother me.
VERY nice new look Jenn! Happy Blogiversary, I always enjoy your sense of humour and look forward to new posts.
Venom- Thank you-- I'm really happy with it. I appreciate you stopping by. I hope you got a slice of virtual cake.
A most happy bloggiversary. And congratulations on the new tire.
Thank you for writing such a fantastic and entertaining blog 3 times a week.
I didn't get you anything, but I'd gladly give you an award if I had one.
Happy Blogiversary!! Keep up the great work Jenn. your blog is fabulous. :)
Happy, Happy Jenn. Always enjoy stopping by. As you enter a new year, you're off to an ominous start!
Da Old Man- Aw, you've been so terrific to me over the year-- got me active in HBDC and just general good advice and kindness, there's not a thing more you could do for me, Joe. :) Have some virtual snacks and a beverage!
Chica- Heh, thank you-- you certainly helped it look fab!! I think one of my friends is probably sick of hearing me talk about it! :)
Nonamedufus- Thank you muchly, sir! It would have been a lot more ominous if I hadn't lucked out with that car garage. But that's life.
Happy blogoversary! I am sorry you got a flat tire. My stroller, it has solid tires so I can go over any terrain.
Daisy- Why, thank you, Daisy! There's some nice party cat food over there for you to enjoy. :) I think you may have something there with the stroller idea.
Congrats on your Bloggiversary! Here's to many more (and no more flat tires).
Oh wow you don't look very good ! You should get some sleep !
Jamie- I will gladly take that! :)
Jaffer- Hey, hey, what's all the shouting about, dude? Can't ya see a girl is trying to get some rest here in the middle of the big bloggiversary party? Now, put your dancing shoes on, put on some tunes you like, and stop all that shouting. :) And thank you for the bloggiversary gift. I don't have a cabbage shredder-- other than, possibly, my editing pen. :)
Congratulations on your blogiversary and the new layout. Looks great. Keep bringin the funny!
Ha ha! My favourite sentence:
..... which has helped me demonstrate cool physics concepts like how much sneeze power (force) is required to launch an aerodynamic menthol lozenge 50 feet...
It seems that a lot of us have been blogging for one year. Congratulations!
Great new layout!
Congratulations on your Blogoversary! One of my daily stops. Here's to many more!
Shawn- Thanks-- I will continue on my mission of ferreting out the funny where it tries to hide. :) Sometimes it is stealthy, though.
Beetle- Since I was fighting against those forces of physics for most the the weekend, I know how powerful they can be. :)
Jen- Muchos gracias! Always glad to have you visit!
Happy Bloggiversary, Jenn! I enjoy your blog immensely and look forward to visiting more. Feel better!
Margo- Thanks-- I'm always very glad to have you visit!
Happy Blogversary! Love the new look.
Sorry about the cold...I've got the same sounding cold right now. Like my entire head is lined with cotton. For an extra bonus today my tooth just started hurting. And a look at my calendar shows that I should also be getting PMS.
Mmmm...I love being a woman.
Oh crap...forgot to add. ... thanks for making me laugh! Like all the time! Like really.... :-)
Jonny's Mommy- Oh no, this thing has you, TOO?
I don't know what kind of mutant cold it is, but it's taken us down here at work one by one like some clever hitman.
I hope you can get some rest. (I know, you have a toddler, so Not Possible. But still... I can hope.)
And hey, you make ME laugh, too. You're quite a good writer.
Congratulations! And well done! I like the new banner.
Sorry to hear you're sick though. I hope you feel better soon!
Jay- Hey, gracias! Ah, I'm on the mend, anyway. What it is that Inspector Dreyfus used to say in the Inspector Clouseau films, "Every day in every way, I'm getting better and better." Of course, then his eye would start twitching. :)
I love the new design and congrats on 1 year! I enjoyed reading. Keep it up.
Sorry about your tire and the plague. Please keep both north of the Mason-Dixon line.
Congrats on the blogiversary! The new layout looks great and I look forward to another year of Cabbage.
I'll even volunteer to help you with that nasal discharge/window caulk research. I think I can contribute greatly to the dishcharge part.
Reforming Geek- I hope it doesn't head to your neck of the woods. If it does-- flee! Flee!
Melanie- Oh, excellent-- we can always use nasal congestion volunteers for the testing, super!
You rule...You are still constantly coming up with great writing.
Keep it up. Stumbled for good measure.
Matt- Heh, thank you. I don't think I've been told I rule since... oh... 8th grade. Kinda makes a person feel good. :)
Happy birthday, Jenn's blog! How does it feel to be one year old? Have you started walking yet? Are you on solids, or are you still chucking up over mummy's shoulder? I'd say you have mummy's eyes, but you don't really have eyes now do you? So, yeah... well, good luck and all that jazz, and have a spiffy birthday party! :)
Congratulations! That's a milestone in blogging. I read on a directory several months ago that the life expectancy of the average blog is about 8 months...
Happy Blogiversary, Jenn. You're right: that year went by quickly. Rock on!!
Having a garage near by is like having On Star with you. WAH-WEEEE!!!
Happy B-to-the-loggy-versary!! :) And many, many more.
Happy Bloggiversary Jenn! ... the place is looking all spruced up too. Love it !!!!
Tony- Occasionally, it does chuck up, yes-- but that's usually due to Feedburner or Blogger. :)
Don- Ah, I was wondering what the average had become.
Bobbie- Heh, yes, thank YOU in particular for that initial inspirational discussion a year ago, Bobbie!
Carl- You said it-- talk about your lucky breaks!
ChatBlanc- Cheers, Catlady-- here, have a margarita and some chips. Don't forget a slice of cake.
Speedy- Thanks! I thought I should tidy up before the party. :)
Happy Bloggiversary!!! All hail King Slaw for bringing the funny three days a week. I appreciate the humor when sometimes real life isn't that funny.
Too bad about the car tire but maybe it was sign you should have stayed home and enjoyed a sick day...wait who enjoys a sick day but you get my drift.
Congrats again :-D
P.S love the new design I will have to check out that site.
Faith- You know, I actually contemplated just going home and staying home. But it's just as well I didn't, because stuff came up at work.
You never can tell...
Lady Sarcasm Chica the Design Bug Kelly has done her usual stellar job and I know you are proud.
Congratulations on a great year and here's hoping for many more years, followers, subscribers, and happiness.
Merrill- I saw that she'd done your site, too-- an excellent, appropriate template. She just does awesome work.
Thank you indeedy for the bloggy well-wishes!
Congrats! My Blogoversary is in two weeks. Where do you live. We should celebrate!!!
Meg- Hey, happy early bloggiversary! Woo-hoo!!
Happy Bloggiversary!
You're lookin' good.
Hope you feel better soon.
Happy Bloggiversary Jenn!
I hope you feel better soon, btw I made you a pot of chicken noodle soup, I'll put it here by your computer. Don't worry, I've put it in an electric toureen to keep it warm. You just continue to rest, it'll be here for you when you feel up to eating!
Carol- Thank you! I see Skye here has left me some virtual chicken noodle soup--
Thanks so much, Skye-- so I should be on the mend soon. :)
(You know, it's pretty bad when virtual chicken noodle soup actually sounds really, really good.) :)
Happy blogiversary! you have some nice stuff here in your blog. and a cute cake, too!
happy week!
Happy happy Blogiversary! May your cabbages always be green and leafy.
I hope you're feeling better by now!
I'm glad it helped to make you smile Jenn :)
Jenn, I'm sorry I'm a little late to the party. Is there any cake left? Because I don't mind eating just the crusty icing around the edges. Thanks.
Happy blogiversary! er, blogoversary! uh, bloggerversary! Oh, whatever. Happy one year and wishing you many more.
Ranran- A happy week to you, too! Thank you.
J.D.- I thank you, and my Cabbage thanks you. (He's so PARTICULAR about how leafy he is-- seriously, he's got such a big head! :) )
Skye- :)
Kathy- Absolutely, there's cake left-- I've been saving a slice for you.
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