De-Motivational Posters, Science Fiction Style

It's a very backspace planet we live on, here on Earth. Our tiny minds have no concept of the trials and tribulations faced by higher lifeforms in the Greater Communicating Universe (GCU)...

Until now. :)

Today, I thought I'd just share with you a few demotivational (unmotivational? not-at-all-with-the-motivation?) posters I'd played around with recently, using quotes and ideas from my There Goes the Galaxy books. Aside from the water photos, which were taken by me during some extra-planetary travel (y'know, Florida), the others are courtesy of NASA's Hubble telescope photo archives, which are not only breathtaking, but royalty-free! Hurray!

This quote was a request from a reader of the series, and it comes from the second book, The Purloined Number...

One of my favorites from There Goes the Galaxy, in one of its interstellar marketing advice chapters...

From The Purloined Number, courtesy of my character, Underworld adventurer, Captain Rolliam Tsmorlood...

Also from Rollie...

From There Goes the Galaxy's mystics, the Seers of Rhobux-7...

One last bit of advice from Rollie Tsmorlood...

Now, if you'd like to share any of the images above, please go ahead. I just ask that you not edit them; leave them in their natural state. Like a, um, unpickled cucumber. Or that kid from college you remember who didn't believe in hygiene products.

Have a great rest of your Thursday!


Rhetrx said...

....those unwashed students that feel the need to discuss life with you at the front desk when they know you can't leave for 6 hours?

meleah rebeccah said...

" I just ask that you not edit them; leave them in their natural state. Like a, um, unpickled cucumber. Or that kid from college you remember who didn't believe in hygiene products."

That literally made me laugh out loud, Jenn!

Unknown said...

Ha! Yay! I'm glad.