99 Cent All the Things! Humorous Sci-Fi and Fantasy Ebooks on Sale

Heya, folkses! I decided to put all my e-books on sale for just $0.99 now through this Sunday. So if you’re missing a book or two in the There Goes the Galaxy trilogy or you want to try out The Curious Case of Mary Ann, this is a great time to do it!

And if you’re outside the US, the e-books are also proportionately reduced. So I hope you’ll check it out or share it with your reader buddies who might need a little humorous sci-fi or fantasy in their lives.
Feel free to ask any questions! And when I say “feel free to ask any questions,” I mean about the books or writing or the sale. Not, like, life problems or whether you should invite your weird Uncle Edgar for Christmas. (You should; he can’t spend every holiday alone with his 29 taxidermied squirrels.)