7:53 AM- At the office before work...
Okay, so the practical joke is ON!
For those just tuning in, about ten days ago, I went to my friend Kitty's wedding and was assigned by the bride to do just one simple task: to take a picture of her table display with the seating cards on it. Easy, right? No problem?
You'd think.
But not for the likes of me, oh no! I first managed to take a photo of the table for an entirely different wedding, happening at coincidentally the exact same time, and in the exact same wedding colors. (You can read that tale of shame and chaos here.)
So, one of our fine Cabbages readers-- host of the Crochety Old Man Yells at Cars blog, "Da Old Man" himself-- proved that he is not only a very funny guy, but that he is also an EVIL GENIUS. He suggested I print out and FRAME the photo of the wrong table, and give it to my friend as a joke "gift."
This naturally appealed to my inner orneriness. I mean, it's been a while since I've played a really good practical joke on someone. Nothing to rival the Great Glass Catnapping of Cubicle 2, certainly. Or the time I shrink-wrapped someone else's favorite pen and he spend the better part of an hour trying to figure out why the thing wouldn't write.
So, the bride returneth to work today! And in about a half hour, my buddy Kitty will come in to THIS...

I thought the festive ribbons in her wedding red were a particularly nice touch.
Let us see what happens...
8:25AM-- Here comes the Bride...
Kitty enters the office and I hear her cheerful greeting. I can hear items being laid down on her desk and keys jingling. Then-- an excited exclamation.
"Oh, WOW! Thank you, Jenn-- this is just so pretty!" She actually sounds enthused... But I believe the wheels are beginning to turn. There is now a muffled sort of sound, as confusion sets in.
"What a nicely-done table..." she continues. "Thank you!..."
She's still carrying on stalwartly, it seems. Gotta love that positive post-vacation attitude! I pop into her office and, seeing her smiling so kindly, and her telling me how terrific it was of me to frame that up for her--
Well, her being so gosh-darned appreciative for a framed photo of a table from someone else's wedding entirely, oh... I admit it-- I caved in a bit soon and explained the situation.
I dunno, folks. Maybe I'm losing my touch in the practical joke business.
That'll teach me to have friends who are all sweet, and easy-going and good-hearted! :)
It just ain't right.
You caved!!!!!!
Get more evil.
(That frame is rather nice though)
Claire- I know... I'd hang my head, but see, she was just all NICE and HAPPY and everything. You would have caved, too.
I just need to choose my practical joke targets more carefully, I think.
Anyway, I am only the Diet Coke of Evil-- just one calorie, not evil enough.
You have the nicest friends. Mine would have cut me.
Da Old Man- Well, the mean streets of Jersey are a whole different ballgame. :)
But I do have really nice friends...
I pay them.
Its nice that you think I would of caved, but alas no. I can keep a practical joke going a long long time.
Claire- Normally, I'd have followed it through. But meh-- I must be going soft in my old age. :)
Lol! She was on to you. I bet the Pink Panther theme plays in her head when you walk by. :-)
Shirley- Heh, I would have said that was a good possibility-- she IS sharp!-- if I hadn't actually asked her later today what she thought when she first saw it.
I guess because the colors were the same, etc., it actually hadn't registered yet that it wasn't one of her own tables! Which is funny in and of itself.
She's now got the framed photo displayed proudly in her office! Very amusing.
Awww, you CAVED?! There is no joy in Blogville.
Greg- Aw, Blogville has JOY. Blogville has Kitty now proudly displaying a photo of SOMEONE ELSE'S TABLE in her office, along with her cherished personal photos! It's hysterical.
Ohhh Jenn! That was such a great idea - I wish you could have held it longer. I have problems keeping a straight face myself which is why I have to resort to just giving random gifts and taking off. Otherwise, I would have just burst out laughing after about 10 seconds.
Alice- yeah, me too, though I just don't think it was going to get any better.
It was going to trail off into obscurity with me, two years later, mentioning, "So did you ever figure out why I gave you that picture that wasn't your table?" And her telling me she didn't care, she loved the photo and that it was on her mantle or something.
You can't work with cheery good nature with practical jokes. There's just nowhere to go with it.
My friends would have found a way to get me back for sure! I think the idea was hilarious though.
Barry- The idea was great-- that was totally Da Old Man and his clever, devious brain!
Me, I'm clearly off my game in the practical joke field. I tell ya, I used to be so good-- I used to have the drive, the patience, the planning... I coulda been a contender! :)
But no more. People have been too nice to me for too long. I just don't have the spark anymore. My friends are just too darned likeable.
It's ruined everything. :)
Did I mention she even brought me back a souvenir from her trip? Oh, she did. How can you tease someone who brings you back island handicrafts???!
Oh no!
Now I can't get that TV commercial with the brother and sister and the new phones. The brother put all his sister's gorgeous friends in his fav five. Dad said when sister complained, "Get uglier friends."
HAHAAHAHHAHA!!!!! Oh man, that's definitely something I would have pulled, but on someone who annoyed me instead.
I'm linking your blog to mine. It cracks me up.
See, Celia, you totally hit on where I went wrong with it. I wasn't annoyed. Kitty is too darned likable. I need to work on harboring some good deep grudges, I guess. :)
Thanks for the visit and the kind note!
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